PhoA Help System

Picture file operations wizard :: Operation log

The log page displays sequentially all the operations performed with the picture files.


Display errors only When turned on the log shows only failed entries, otherwise succeeded entries are also shown. The option is convenient when you need to find some errors among a large number of added files.
Save to file... Allows you to write the log to a plain text file.
  • When saving the log all entries are always written, disregarding the Display errors only checkbox.
  • Failed entries are marked with symbols [!] in the file, while succeeded ones have [+] at the beginning. This allows to easily find errors in the log file unless you use to include these characters in file names.
The popup menu (accessible with right mouse click) provides additional options:
Copy Copies the line currently selected into the clipboard.
Find... Displays a standard Find text dialog allowing you to search through the log list, eg. for a particular file name.

You can watch the log before all files are added by interrupting the process and then clicking the Next button. Afterwards you can go back (by clicking Back) and then resume the process.

See also:

Picture file operations wizard
Browse mode
Working in the browse mode